Thursday, May 6, 2010

Dedicated to Stormy "Backsplash" Feathers


Stormy Pheathers said...

'Who is this "Stormy Feathers"?' asks Stormy Pheathers, ruffling his horsepheathers.

I'm now trying to invent a word that can mean "backsplash," "flashback," and "whiplash" all at the same time -- with maybe a slang meaning of "fannypack."

Anonymous said...

It also needs to encompass "flashdance"!

Maybe "facesplash" as well.


p.s. The blog says "predlyc", as in, "His predlyctions had justly earned him a reputation for preeversion."

Delphina Crump said...

I'd like to point out that this drug is safe because of "double spasmolysis", so remember to build in at least one safety mechanism into your backsplashes, whiplashes, and fyanny pyacks, please. Sounds dangerooos.