Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Reading the prog distributor's new releases email... one of my favorite activities

"this is pretty great for fans of drummerless chamber rock"

"this would have blown my mind had I actually heard it in 1981"

"It's a heady mixture of pub rock..."

"Included here are Aqua, Epsilon In Malaysian Pale, Ages, Stuntman and Pinnacles plus..."

"The Minimoog playing of Benoit Widemann is what really makes this for me"

"shuttling between jazz and rock with furious instrumentals with lots of flute and violin"

"pretty utterly fantastic big band Zeuhl album"

"In Kabbalah the samech represents the infinite power of the Ein Sof, G-d’s infinite light."

"this is not a skronk disc"

"sometimes festive and sometimes tortured"

"Think of the great, under-recognized early 70s trio Back Door brought completely and utterly up to date as a jazz/rock outfit."

"terminally unhip but great stringed instruments"

"an amusing undercurrent of reggae and rock rhythms"

"the song St Pancake uses a local press report about the appearance of the Virgin Mary in a pancake!"

"Romantic ballads, ambient soundscapes and hardcore intensity!"

"Some really great synthesizer work here, plus it's nice to see Kaske not abandon the flute"

And yes, I'm buying some of these albums. The seller really knows his clientele.