In this short-lived ABC drama, cops discuss their feelings after a hard day on the beat. Part One of a continuing series!
This is groundbreaking television. I'm speechless! Granted my experience with the medium is more limited than y'all's, but I think it's nothing short of revolutionary.
Sorry I've dawdled on watching this. Will blow up proper over cheese doodles dinner.
In now-it's-my-favorite-show-of-all-time, I'm watching The Larry Sanders Show for the first time -- luckily I'm old enough to have watched enough Arsenio to get all the references.
This is groundbreaking television. I'm speechless! Granted my experience with the medium is more limited than y'all's, but I think it's nothing short of revolutionary.
Sorry I've dawdled on watching this. Will blow up proper over cheese doodles dinner.
In now-it's-my-favorite-show-of-all-time, I'm watching The Larry Sanders Show for the first time -- luckily I'm old enough to have watched enough Arsenio to get all the references.
word verification: "roses" (pronounced RO-ziz)
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