Saturday, February 19, 2011

High Manimalia


Stormy Pheathers said...

this is fucking priceless. extra points for the strange relationship of his head to his body.

Onderdonk Troutman said...

I agree, we need a special tag for irregular head-body relationships, and a post that includes that Polanski rumination from The Tenant about if you cut off your leg, you say "me and my leg", etc. but if you cut off your head, "is it me and my head, or me and my body."

Troll, get on that! I know you worry about it as often as I do.

I never do this but I'm on the blog on half an Ambien and a beer and it's fantastic!! I surge! I surge!

-o'd (ashamed) (obviously)

Onderdonk Troutman said...

I also just realized, this requires a companion Ladyhawke post...

I search! I search!


Anonymous said...

I nominate this as the post to beat in 2011 (or rather, the post "to top"). Thank the mysterious M. for us, and extend an invite if appropriate ("put out a feeler").

word verification: "merherv"

A perverted mer-man or maid? A mermaid fetishist? Merv Griffin fetish?

(I'm starting to think some lonely Google employee is actively playing along with us.)


Anonymous said...

I'm pretty sure merherv is Hebrew for mer-hag, i.e. a human who associates mainly with Merpeople. I'm pretty sure Merv Griffin was one. I'm pretty sure it's been too long since we played the Dictionary game!