Monday, October 25, 2010

On harvesting one's own fluff

"Belly button lint collection wins place in record books"

The Australian librarian started “harvesting” his fluff in 1984, at a youth hostel in Brisbane. After 26 years, the complete collection now weighs 22.1 grams, or .77 ounces… Barker sold three of his jars to a museum for an undisclosed sum and is a quarter of the way to filling a fourth.
The Today Show outclasses Tampon Taxidermy!


Anonymous said...

I am the jambo juice of belly button lint. -t.m.

Anonymous said...

also, one of his eyes lives in the ocean ‘cause it aint got no job. -t.m.

Anonymous said...

Your relationship with Jamba Juice worries me...

p.s. How does only one eye have a job? Sounds awkward.

Anonymous said...

the eye is lazy, you dillwad! -t.m.

Stormy Pheathers said...

"Dillwad" sounds like an excellent insult for a belly button harvester. Or maybe "Wad-wad" (The Wad of Wads) or "Mister Navel." Lint-flint? Brisbane Belly Man. I'll stop now.

Delphina Crump said...

The full article quotes Brisbane Belly Man as saying “If my belly stopped producing lint tomorrow I might feel surprised but not disappointed.” This makes me want to be a journalist.