Thursday, June 17, 2010

Flame Over Philadelphia II (with silver body paint)

Heroism that just won't quit!

Also, seriously, I want Darren to expound on TTC's influence on
him. Also, seriously, why has no one posted Darren yet?

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Horatio Alger Hot Dog

No longer content to be a passive prop gag in Delphina's
comedy routine, this hotdog is taking charge of his own
destiny! While a staunch American patriot, he sees a
bright future for himself in Belgium, where I encountered him.

But I think his soul remains in Philadelphia...

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Horse Hunks

On prominent display at Cornell's College of Veterinary Medicine... it now seems so obvious that vet schools would be rife with furrys.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

The Lollipop Man

Housewarmin present for Delphina

John Waters quote

"If your whole family molested you in a giant basket on Easter morning, you have a right to be grumpy every once in a while."