Monday, February 15, 2010

Gosh, would you look at that thang?

This should help with your post-VD comedown...


Peter Dixie said...

wait is the monster a radioactive green tampon? can this be our blog's theme song.

Stormy Pheathers said...

But sometimes it wears polka dot shorts and dances, sometimes it's a pterodactyl, and sometimes it's the hell spawn of Basketcase and the Pillsbury Doughboy.

Eggplant, why...

Anonymous said...

Me, I'm just really into the prosthetic butts. But yeah I agree with Peter: theme song!

Stormy Pheathers said...

O'donk, I'm still laughing about the the "Hubba hubba hiney" episode of Laverne & Shirley and I saw it when I was six. Prosthetic butts never age.

Word alert.